Search This Blog

Sunday, January 15, 2017


I wanted to talk to you about how to get more traffic to your blog post. Now this is something that more people struggle with. Many people who are new to blogging, create the content but don't know how to promote it on the web. This is something important that people end up spending lot of time preparing blog which sits somewhere, in some corner on web and no one knows about it.

If you don't promote your content, it will take long time for the people to find your content.

You have to promote your blog out to the world to see it. Let them know what have to say.

I know your state of mind, if you are reading this page. But don't worry I have pretty good tips and ideas for you to drive traffic to your blog post, which is interesting to do so. Always remember that just working on your blog doesn't help. Unless you go and put little more effort to show what you have prepared.

I guess you understood what I am trying to say. Do not operate in a bubble. Be proactive. Reach out. Show the world that you have something to share because you care.

Alright, that was a pretty motivating speech right !!?!!  But it is TRUE. Mark it.

Well now let me start off by explaining you how you can increase blog traffic

There is something what Google does. People when search your blog post on some topic those word or keywords alert the search engine to find the blog on internet. Basically you are pinging the blog post which is on internet.

Let me show you how to do that.

Method 1

Where you see three input field. One which says blog title, blog home page and RSS url.

1. Copy the blog title of you blog post and paste it into the blog name field.

2. Go-to your blog post, I mean not the main blog post page but the actual post where the content is. Grab the      compete URL and paste it on Blog home page input field.

3. Find the RSS feed icon on your blog post. Of course you would have it on your blog by now. Just do a right      and select copy link address. Then switch to Pingomatic page and paste the URL into the RSS input                field.

     Wow !! i must say you did pretty well so far

4. You can see another section which says Services to Ping.

     Here click on Check all.

     And, after all that you did now, go ahead and click on Send Pings >>


You can actually create a account for free on these following sites as well.
  1.      Facebook
  2.       Google+
  3.       Pinterest
  4.       Twitter
  5.        LinkedIn

Method 2

This is next on your check list where you have to paste your blog link for indexing. Copy as many as links and paste it in the box below which you see in the image below. Soon after that click on Rapid INDEX button below to start indexing.

Let me explain what it does.

Rapid index submits your URL to various statistic sites. These sites give value to your URLs and provides a free Back links to your site/sites. Rapid indexer sends your URLs to over 15,000 sites which gives you that many one way Back links and Rapidly gets your URLs indexed by Google.

Alright! go ahead, start Indexing your Blog post now. 

For those who find interest in reading books can perhaps buy this below mentioned book which is the top one for Search Engine Optimization.

Here is why:

1)  Basic and Practical advice – the SEO FITNESS WORKBOOK leads you step-by-step with an emphasis on     doing SEO not just understanding SEO,

2) The SEO TOOLBOOK – The massive SEO Toolbook,

3) Worksheets – throughout, the book points to ‘howto’ worksheets that you can download and complete. 

Rating: 5 stars. 

SEO Fitness Workbook: 2017 Edition

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